Rights & Advocacy

Rights & Basic Protections of an Individual with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism

DSP ensures that all individuals receiving our services receive a written summary of their rights and basic protections (34-B M.R.S. §5605) both at intake and then annually thereafter. Copies of these rights and basic protections will be handed out, shared electronically and posted in common areas of the service setting where they are clearly visible to each person receiving services. Rights and Basic Protections will be posted in clear, understandable language and in form(s) accessible by the persons receiving services. An outline of these rights and basic protections is also available here.

Home & Community-Based Waiver Services Rights

DSP ensures that all individuals we serve receive accessible information and resources regarding their rights as HCBS waiver recipients and opportunities to exercise these rights on an ongoing, daily basis. Understandable information describing our HCBS policies and practices is gathered in our HCBS Residential Services Handbook. An outline of these rights is available here.

Grievance Rights

DSP ensures that all individuals we serve receive education and support to exercise their grievance rights and are provided with a process for communicating their recommendations for changes in how their services are implemented and delivered. This policy, the Grievance Process 14-197 C.M.R. Chapter 8 , and contact information for consumer advocacy and protection services will be posted at the setting in an accessible format, reviewed upon intake and at least annually thereafter. A copy of the Developmental Services Grievances form can be downloaded here.

Reportable Events

DSP maintains strict agency compliance with the Reportable Event System rule (14-197 C.M.R. Ch. 12)  and the Adult Protective Services Act  (22 M.R.S. §3477). Accordingly, all staff are trained in what must be reported to DHHS and when, critical incident reporting, individual rights and Mandated Reporting procedures including immediately reporting allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation directly to APS.

If you believe you are being abused, exploited, or neglected you can file a report. Filing a report is a way to protect you from harm. To file a report, contact the APS Intake Unit toll-free: 1-800-624-8404. You can also file a report online on the DHHS website.

Notice of Privacy Practices

This Notice Describes How Medical Information About You May Be Used and Disclosed and How You Can Get Access to This Information.